Quote of the Day

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Nearly half of Americans caught in media spin

I have to say, Americans quite gullible when it comes to politics and the economy. Most of them believe the hype the media creates on a daily basis. And today, I have proof. The CNN Political Ticker posted today that Nearly half think U.S. in recession. Three questions the article never cleared up, and it's a fricking news site: 1) Do the Americans polled know what a recession is?, 2) Why divide the results by only black and white Americans?, 3) This topic belongs in the business section of the site, so why is it in politics? I can answer these questions and I'm not a journalist.

Firstly, if you look at the economy from a neutral perspective. Not republican or democrat, the economy is doing well. Aside from the subprime crap, people can still get mortgages, credit card debt is still growing (which means people are spending), and my 401k is going up in value, not down. Of course, the media will tell you the economy stinks and that it's George Bush's fault. That's about as true as me saying I'm white. I smell an election year, don't you?

Secondly, leave it to the media to play the race card. And, where the heck is the hispanic consensus? If you're going to claim to be fair, make sure that an accurate perspectus is represented.

Thirdly, I know it's an election year by the hint that the economy is in a recssion. No president has sole control over the state of the economy, only the amount of debt we go into or get out of (in Bush's case, definitely in). And, I don't think that'll change if a democrat gets voted into office.

Ugh, I hate to talk politics. But when it comes to inaccuracy from a news site, well, it just ticks me off. I suppose it's to be expected, especially from the Clinton News Network*, er, I mean CNN.

Source: Nearly half think U.S. in recession

*That's what my Army buddy called it. :)

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