Quote of the Day

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Fun evening with Japanese drummers

Last night, the family headed over to Jesse Auditorium (MU) to watch the Drummers of Japan perform. Officially known as Yamato: Drummers of Japan, this group of talented musicians were simpy amazing. The evening began with the resonating percussion of the odaiko, a "big, fat drum" made from a huge tree more than 400 years old, and continued for an hour long display of technical skill, strength and musical chemistry. If you haven't seen these folks perform, I'd highly recommend it. Even Isa enjoyed herself. She was especially fond of the crowd participation requested by the drummers to compliment the show and the bit of humor and personality displayed. These weren't the stoic, serious Japanese bores, in fact, they blended precision with playfulness and enjoyment. Truly made for a fun family evening.

For the record, I wasn't too excited about it. It was Matt's suggestion and a good one at that.

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