Quote of the Day

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Movie: 300

I finally saw 300 last night. My husband has been dying to see it for some time. We had some free time last night after our daughter went to bed, so we ordered the movie on PPV (this is why I love satellite). I knew Gerard Butler was hot, but man, did he look fabulous in this movie. His acting wasn't too bad either. Just kidding. (Sort of)

I enjoyed the movie. It was full of action, blood and drama. I could've done without all of the naked women, but it is a guy movie after all. 300 is no exception to the ultimate guy movie. Blood, gore, naked chics, and hot leading lady.

Yea, Lena Headey was fantastic. Her character was strong willed and phenomenal. Most female characters in historial epics play more submissive roles, and Headey's role was far from that. I can't recall any previous movies Headey was in, but she did a fantastic job in 300. I do remember Butler from Timeline, Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life, Reign of Fire and other good flicks.

I definitely recommend 300. Just make sure you put the kids to bed first.

You can check out pics of 300 by clicking here.

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