Quote of the Day

Friday, August 3, 2007

College textbooks are expensive

To be honest, it's been a while since I was in a college classroom, but I'm still taken aback by the cost of textbooks. I am well aware of the typical course materials cost for college students. Mainly because I work at a company that specializes in this area.

One of the perks about my job is cheap books. We're able to buy books at discounts not available to the general public. And I take full advantage of that. Especially now that I have a little sister in college. She sends me her booklist each semester, I order the books and ship them to her (also at a discounted rate).

With the new semester starting soon, I recently ordered a total of 13 textbooks for $500. I can't imagine what the books would have cost without my discount. It's just crazy.

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