Quote of the Day

Thursday, March 20, 2008

18 weeks and counting

I've officially entered my 18th week of pregnancy. I'm anxiously counting the weeks because my ultrasound appointment is just 2 short weeks away. That means, we're likely to find out what we're having. This is of course, assuming our baby isn't modest. I know with Isa, it took a while for her to get over her shyness. Just before the doctor gave up, she showed the world. It was great.

It's funny, this pregnancy is not like my first. I'd have to say that the first time was much easier and I think for a lot of reasons. One, I was much more active at that time, playing softball and volleyball. Matt and I would head over to Oakland Park and play some frisbee golf. I can remember doing all 18 holes, than tapering back to 9, and finally, just however many I could do as the pregnancy neared the end. Because I was active then, I don't recall being so tired. Now, it only takes a walk to here and there and I'm worn out.

Secondly, I was 6 years younger. I think age has a lot to do with how your body handles pregnancy. I know for me, all those years of beating up my body in sports is taking a toll. And pregnancy doesn't help. Back when I was pregnant with Isa, my knees weren't as bad and my back didn't bother me as much. Now, after being diagnosed with arthritis in my right knee and aggravating my back easily, it's made this pregnancy much more difficult, physically speaking.

I think Matt assumed that I would take this pregnancy the same as the first. I don't think he gets that I'm more tired than the first. It kind of bothers me a bit. I mean, he calls me lazy now because I just don't have the energy to help around the house. Granted, I'm not as tired as I was just a few weeks ago, so I've been doing a bit more to help. Still, this pregnancy has been a bit more rough and I'd like for him to see that, or at least understand. I can't change that I suppose.

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