Quote of the Day

Monday, February 16, 2009

Hey, I'm Back

Ok, so it's been 'like' forever since I've written a post here on Musings, but, I'm back. My life got pretty hectic after Carmen's birth. It was a crazy transition time for me.

Now that things are somewhat settled, I decided to make some changes around here. You'll notice I changed the dark color scheme to something much lighter. I'm not sure why I used something so dark, but I couldn't stand it anymore. I worked on the header, and I have to say, I like it a hundred times more than the generic stuff you get from Blogger. Anyway, on to my musings or ramblings for today.

Unless you've been living in a hole, you're aware of the Chris Brown-Rihanna incident at the Grammy's. Every media outlet is covering this, and I really don't have a problem with it like I do other celebrity crap they post as news. You know what I'm talking about. So, I hit CNN.com this morning to get my daily dose of biased news and saw that Chris Brown says he's sorry 'for what transpired'. Really? He's sorry. Well, golly gee, Chris. I guess that makes it okay. I mean, saying your sorry for hitting a woman will make everything just go away, right. Heh, you know what's sad? In his case, it probably will.

Oh, the funniest thing I've seen this morning (other than the crusted snot on my baby's face from overnight sneezing that we couldn't get to), is a YouTube clip that's been making the rounds on most media sites. If you haven't seen it, take a look at this lady having a bad day at the Hong Hong airport. What's funny about it is that anyone that's ever missed a flight has wanted to throw a tantrum like that. We just never do. Unless of course we've made a little stop at the bar, and then we just can't help it. But this lady is sober when she goes nuts. Too funny.

Well, Obama's keeping his promise of bringing change to America. (It was probably the single-most successful presidential campaign I can remember.) Most Americans would agree that something needed to be changed. I'll be honest, I voted for W both times, and I didn't vote for O. But, I did agree with him on that one topic. We did need change.

But it's really scaring the **** out of me at the way big O is going about it. He's inching us closer and closer to socialism, and if that weren't scary enough, Americans are loving him for it. I just don't get it.

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