Quote of the Day

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


I was talking with a friend yesterday about her weekend. Her family had come into town for a few days and Matt and I were able to visit with them for a bit on Friday night. Anyway, my friend mentioned briefly a conversation she had with her mom. Her mom told her that she liked her friends and that our group is like a family. I couldn't agree more.

My mom used to be concerned with us, with me, all alone in the Midwest with no family. It wasn't until she met my friends that she realized, we are just fine. She was glad that I had such great friends that really are like my extended family.

I hold my friends dear to my heart. Since I've been away from my family, my friends are an important part of my life. It was that way in college and, even more so now that I'm married and have a family of my own. In fact, I sometimes think good friends should be cherished. It sounds cheesy, I know. But, family is supposed to like you. They're family after all. Friends, on the other hand, they hang out with you if they really like you, not because they have to.

So, here's to all of my friends out there. I love you and pray that God pours His blessings on you. :)

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