Quote of the Day

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Week 14 couldn't come any sooner

Today, marks the beginning of my 14th week of pregnancy and the beginning of my 2nd trimester. As excited as I am about the new person growing inside of me, I couldn't wait to get to this point. To me, the 2nd trimester is the most exciting part of being pregnant. At this point, you are more likely done with the nausea and sickness, which, thank goodness, is the case for me. And, from my previous experience, the final trimester was more uncomfortable than enjoyable.

With this 14th week, if am finally feeling better and have actually enjoyed food (some food, not all). Which is more than I could say just a week ago. The fatigue is still here, but I can deal with it. I was just hoping the nausea would go away so I wouldn't have to resort to taking any more pills than I have to. I was merely holding on for the 14th week to see what was going to happen.

I'm also excited about this stage of the pregnancy because I'll get to feel the baby for the first time in a few weeks and we'll get to see what we're having in early April. Matt and I really don't care what we have, as long as it's healthy and has 10 fingers and toes. Matt worries more about the baby being healthy because of his medical history, but I trust that God will take care of us regardless.

This week has been a little rough on me. Matt's been on a work trip since Sunday, thankfully returning tonight. I have to say, I am exhausted. Taking care of a 5-year old, 2 50-lbs dogs and the house work has left me pretty tired. I don't know how you it Natalie. And, work has been crazy busy with a handful of urgent projects along with lots of little ones that pop up. That's not even including my freelance work which has taken a hit. As soon as Matt gets home, I'll be glad to have someone to share the responsibilities with, and finally get some rest.

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