Here are a few photos I've come across online that are a good representation of the damage at Union University after an F4 tornado tour through campus on Tuesday, February 5th around 7pm.
The building in this photo, Jennings Hall, marks the origin or touchdown of the tornado.
The clock tower, near Jennings Hall, marks the time the tornado came through the Union campus.
The men's dorm complex is located in the upper middle portion of this photo. The women's dorm is just opposite of it, toward the middle of the photo. The buildings are in a fan-like layout. Many of the individual buildings were completely destroyed, the rest have been tagged unlivable. The remains of the two larger buildings between the dorm complexes are the commons areas, men's and women's.
Matt lived in the farthest right and bottom building in the men's complex for two semesters. His room was in the bottom floor closest to the parking lot, on the right. My dorm room, freshman year, is located in the second building to the right also at the farthest end from the commons on the second floor.
McAffee Complex that sustaing the least damage of the dorm complexes. My dorm room, from my sophomore year on, is in the building on the lower left. Looks like it made it through the storm.
It didn't hit us until we started seeing photos of the students. Damage to buildings is one thing, but injured students is completely different.
Damage to student vehicles was extensive.
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